Missouri Anomaly Missouri (MO) is a confusing because the format of its abbreviation is different from any other state. The abbreviation 'MO' arose due to both Mississippi and Missouri beginning with 'Miss' and ending with the letter 'I'. The abbreviation for Missouri ended up as 'MO' as the letter 'O' is the most obvious letter in the name. AP State Abbreviation The AP State Abbreviations, the old State Abbreviations, are still in use. The AP State Abbreviation for Missouri is: "Mo." The Associated Press (AP) style of abbreviation, the old style, is still used by journalists and business people. As some two digit state codes are determined from the first and last letter of the old abbreviation they are important to those learning about the abbreviations of the US States. | | Where is Missouri? (MO) | The State of Missouri is located in the central United States. |
Missouri - (MO) - Mo. |