New York State Seal

New York Seal

American Symbols

State Flags



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Coat of Arms on New York state flag



American symbols

New York State Flag

flag and Nickname

Big Picture of New York State Flag

The New York State Flag
The distinctive shape of the blue State Flag of New York depicts the images of a shield, protected by the outspread wings of an eagle and supported by two female figures representing Justitia, the Roman goddess of Justice and Lady Liberty. It serves as a symbol of honor, heritage and regional pride and is displayed at state buildings. There is an Order of Precedence
for flags. State Flags are displayed in order as they entered the Union.

Ratified the Constitution in 1788
New York is the 11th state
Date the flag was adopted:1901


Facts on the New York State Flag Etiquette
Facts and information about flying the ensign and the display of the New York Flag:

New York State Flag - Display Facts
Fact 1: It may be flown every day in the 11th state when weather permits
Fact 2: It may be flown from sunrise until sunset. If it is displayed outdoors in the "Empire State", it should be flown from a flagpole

Fact 3: The New York flag may be flown at night when properly lighted

Fact 4: The flagpole must be at least two and one-half times as long as the New York State flag

New York State Flag

Picture of New York Flag


New York State Car Flags
Car Flags are often displayed to represent of an individual's allegiance to their state. New York State car flags are used by their owners as mobile emblems of their home. Car flags are usually made from strong materials and are attached to a car via a pole and clip window attachment.

History, Description, Colors and Symbols of the New York State Flag
The New York flag is the official identifying symbol of the state, the design of which is established by law in the constitution of the "Empire State". What does the flag stand for? The colors, devices and emblems displayed on the New York State Flag are not arbitrary but have a definite symbolic meaning. The description, history and meaning of the symbols and colors of the New York State Flag are as follows:

Picture of New York Flag

Capital: Albany
Date of Statehood:
26 July 1788
New York is the 11th state
"Empire State"
New York flag Ratio: 1:2

Coat of Arms on New York state flag

What is the design of the New York state flag?  
 The design on the New York State flag is a field of blue containing an image of the coat of arms and seal of New York
What does the eagle symbolize?

In heraldry the eagle was a symbol held by men of action and ingenuity, occupied with weighty affairs.


The eagle was intended to at once to recall the great Roman Republic and at the same time be uniquely American (the Bald Eagle being indigenous to North America).


The American Bald eagle is depicted with its wings "displayed" which is a symbol of protection.

What does the globe symbolize on the New York State flag?

The globe is symbolizes worldliness & world travel.  "By exhibiting the eastern and western continents on the globe, the old and new are brought together"

What does the two female figures symbolize?
 The figures represent Lady Liberty and Justitia, the Roman goddess of Justice
 The figure of Lady Liberty is shown holding a staff topped with a gold liberty cap. Similar caps called the pileus were said to be worn in ancient Rome by slaves who had won their freedom. A royal crown lies at the left foot of Lady Liberty, thrown down to represent the overthrow of the British monarchy in the War of Independence (1775–1783).
 Justitia holds the scales of justice in her left hand is depicted wearing a blindfold representing objectivity, in that justice is delivered impartially, without fear or favour, regardless of identity, money, power, or weakness. In her right hand she holds a gold handled sword that represents her readiness to fight tyranny.
What does the image in the shield of the New York State flag symbolize?
 The image depicted in the central shield depicts the Hudson Highlands, the sun and a ship and a sloop sailing on the Hudson River.
 The Hudson Highlands are mountains on both sides of the Hudson River in the U.S. state of New York
 In heraldry the sun symbolizes glory and splendour: the fountain of life
What are the colors and what do the colors mean, or symbolize, in heraldry?
 The color blue symbolizes vigilance, truth and loyalty, perseverance & justice
What is the shape and flag ratio? The 'Hoist' is the width and the 'Fly' is the length.
 The ratio is 1:2 meaning it is 1 unit tall for every 2 units wide.
Who designed the New York State Flag?
 The name of the designers of the coat of arms that feature on the seal and flag of New York State were John Jay, John Sloss Hobart and Gouverneur Morris
What is the history of the New York State Flag? 
 1788: The coat of arms was adopted

1858: New York militia regulations called for the coat of arms to appear on a white field (background) as the New York State flag

 1896, the legislature adopted a law changing the white to a buff color to match the facing color of the uniforms worn by the troops serving in the Continental Army.
 1901: The buff background was changed to blue in line with the regimental flags which traditionally displayed the coat of arms on a blue background
When was the New York State Flag officially adopted by the state's legislature? (Most US flags were designed in 19th & 20th centuries)
 It was officially adopted April 1, 1901
The New York flag is kept and used as required by the code specified in the constitution of the state.

New York State Flag for Kids

Meaning & recent pictures of the New York State flag
"Ever Upward!" New York motto
Find the history and meaning of the New York Flag
Flag Meaning, History, Symbols and Origin for kids
Meaning, symbols, description & flag history
Interesting facts & picture of the New York flag
Official Nickname "Empire State"
Meaning of the New York flag for schools, kids and children

New York State Flag for Kids

US - American- New York State Flag - Facts - History - Description - Symbols - Symbolism - Pictures - Emblems - Symbolism - Iconography - History - Facts - Symbols - Icons - Meaning - Flaggs - Design - Ratio - Flaggs - Shape - Colors - History - Origin - Facts - Info about the flag - Information - Kids - Children - Constitution - New York State flag

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